Monday, January 24, 2011


DISCLAIMER: Extreme amounts of bitching about to occur.

Ugh, I am on the verge of getting all the things I need and getting the hell out of here.  All day my mind has been pondering on the thought of "What am I doing?!"  And then on top of that, I got into a huge fight with my family (which seems to be happening more and more lately-I think that means I'm supposed to move out soon).  The only thing that I'm doing that works towards my goals is school.  However, that is not aggressive enough for me.  I feel I will be too old for my industry by the time I graduate.  Even when you look at audition ages for companies I want to work for, I am ALREADY too old-and I'm not getting any younger.  I remember having a "mid-life" crisis at the age of 19.  I was about to turn 20 in a week and I thought of how much I had not done or accomplished with my life and compared it to what I was supposed to have already done.  Now I'm 21, and still haven't done anything different.  I feel like the energy and excitement I once had is now draining.  When I was 18, and graduating from high school, I was ready to happily conquer the world.  But it seems to me that the world was not ready.  Not only did it serve a hasty rejection, it also provided a nice helping of hopelessness.  Do not get me wrong-I am extremely optimistic-I'd say even naively so.  However today I have lost against myself.  

I feel trapped, with dreams and plans dangled before my eyes in taunt outside my cage.  I reach out to grab them, but I am reminded of the risk to limb and life should the cages' constraints be broken.  I plan my escape, but it seems to be just more talk.  The cage provides food, money and shelter.  Although, in my heart, I know which I want most.

I have become the exact thing I have always been against.

"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster." - Friedrich Nietzsche


  1. As cliche as it sounds just keep at it man. You may be forty by the time everything gets perfect but look at it this way. Most people do not even live that long.

  2. Oh I am going to keep at it. Thank you for the words of encouragement. I hate when people just complaining and don't take action-so I am definitely taking action. For some reason it was just on my chest, and I feel very relieved just putting it out there.
